Another timeline unravels into oblivion
Yea, it's Monday night and my 'weekend' is over. Tomorrow begins a new work week and I've got the joy of working the 'slot' to look forward to – hooray!
Nothing here to say, really. I just wanted to babble for a moment before I head out to visit my friend Debra. She's feeling blue and I am too so we should be a perfect match together tonight. BooHoo!
Lubbock is so touchy about its fire department! Politicians are taking a defensive stance toward criticism aimed at their handling of the department, to wit: someone said the department is functioning with outdated equipment, which puts the firefighters' lives at risk. The firefighters don't seem to mind, though, so I guess it's a non-issue.
The weather is vascillating between hot, cool, balmy and dusty here, per usual. We may even get some rain tomorrow, if the weather reporter is in the ballpark – never a given 'round these parts.
So I'm off to see my wizardess and try to cheer her up.
It's been a terribly dull, uneventful weekend so I hope this evening's visit is uplifting somehow.
Nothing to win, nothing to lose.