What the hey?Hey, hey, hey. What a great episode of Saturday Night Live tonight. I caught the tail end of the show but it was a classic, I think. Anyone else?
Anyway, it's pre-Super Bowl Sunday hour, meaning I'm finally off for the weekend and I've nothing to do, no responsbilities, no commitments, nada, nothing, zip.
Life is wonderful. Wonderfully whacky. Wonderfully weird. Wonderfully wild. Wonderfully overwhelming. Wonderfully ecstatic. Wonderfully uplifting. Wonderfully confusing. Wonderfully frustrating. Wonderfully ponderous. Etcetera, etcetera.
I'm just babbling because I'm wonderfully full of sh@#.
So another 24 hours slips into the ether, leaving a vague trail of fumes and physical inklings that quickly fade.
Is the glass half full or half empty?
Is life enticing, enthralling, mysterious and exciting? Or is life humdrum, repetitive and dreary?
How we view the world is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves in it.
So bite me, just a little. But don't draw blood, OK.