Thursday, July 03, 2003

Am I blue? Indeed, aren't you? Well, here it is, the eve of our nation's 4th of July, Independence Day observance. Thousands, nay, millions I daresay are preparing their barbecue grills and slapping their meat with various secret sauces and marinades to tickle the tongue of their usual guests and hangers-on.

More, I'm guessing of course, are loading up the old bass boat and heading for a lake where they can guzzle brews and dangle a line in the water to catch their dinner.

And families from Maine to California are loading the coolers of all sizes and shapes with ice, sodas, sandwiches and other munchibles, as well as the obligatory brewskis, in preparation for an evening out among the mosquitoes and moths to watch a dazzling (one hopes) fireworks display.

And me? Well, I'll be inside four walls reading copy from a computer screen and juggling ideas for page layouts. Sound like fun? It's not! Not really. But it pays the bills, don't you know.

At this moment, I'm about to shower, shave and get dressed for work (I'm due in at 2 p.m.) and I'll do it all in 15 minutes so I can arrive at my baby's (girlfriend's knucklehead) house by 1 p.m.

Here's wishing you and yours a Happy 4th of July. May everyone have a wildly good time and arrive home safely when it's all said and done.

Here's another blog 'o mine if you'd care to check it out


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