Wednesday, December 12, 2012

121212 Concert - Magical music!

Holy smokes! Just listened to Eric Clapton play a beautiful rendition of "Crossroads!" His licks just get better and slicker with time's passing. And his band, a kickin drummer and a funky, deep rumbling bass player, kept the string of pearls dripping like cool, clear, water.
Sometimes an event occurs that arouses the soul of the world and connects with the widest range of people from all backgrounds, bringing us all  together in a dream-dance. This 121212 concert is just such an event.
Musicians and celebrities making themselves available to the masses for merry-making and booty shakin!
Very cool. Very warm and fuzzy, too.
To whom it may concern - the people who produced, networked, hustled and sweated to put this thing together - Thank You. It's a good thing.


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