Wednesday, September 24, 2008

OK, so here comes the final act of the George Bush presidency and, boy, it's a spectacular finish! Here we see Dubya telling the American people that he needs to pay off the greedy SOBs on Wall Street, specifically the money-lenders and their ilk, to the tune of $1 trillion (and if you believe that's the total amount, you're a BIG FOOL! because once that floodgate is opened, it will NEVER be closed again!) and he's using the tired old FEAR factor to ramp up the emotional misdirection ploy that's served him so well in the eight years of his reign. After all the bullshit and death and over-spending that our president already has laid at our doorsteps, now he believes we should believe him one more time (for old time's sake, perhaps?) and support this bloated bailout without hesitation, strapping our great-great-grandchildren with a nice new $10,000 debt the day they draw first breath.
Oh, yes, Dubya's minions made the Sunday news show rounds to warn us, in ambiguous and cryptic language that illuminated NOTHING and shoveled 40 pounds of doubt and fear into our heads. Of course, the usual congressional nitwits jumped on the bandwagon immediately, never missing an opportunity to get their pictures published in the media, crying "Wolf" louder than Dubya's cabinet. Remember folks, this is the administration that hasn't gotten one thing right in its entire tenure and is leaving the White House in the shabbiest shape its ever been in since its early construction, when John Adams lived in the run down, decrepit pit of a swampland it once was. And I don't mean structurally. No, I mean the presidency is smeared with blood and shit and dark, dank smells that one usually encounters only in a garbage heap, and it's all thanks to Dubya. This is a guy who has never failed to reward mediocrity, promote incompetence and praise outright failure, all in the name of self-promotion. Dubya doesn't give a damn about the American people (let alone black folk) and he's proven that time and again to this day!
So, here comes Bernanke and the other guy (Newsweek has crowned him "King Paulson") with dire warnings of the demise of the American economic system, a complete flameout of the lending industry that threatens to demolish "our way of life," but they offer no clear picture of the extent of the threat, who's involved, who's responsible, and what other options might we have. They only scream "show us the money! Immediately! There's no time to consider, think or even question the issue!" Well, I put forth the old maxim that served our forefathers pretty well. And that is, sleep on it. Consider the options. Act with expediency, if expediency is needed, but don't simply throw up your hands, open your checkbook and commit our children's legacies to one of enslavement to the financial industry for the sake of protecting a small group of VERY FAT CATS who stand to walk out the door of failed credit houses with millions in easily-earned cash without so much as a "Thanks" to the American public, who'll foot the bill when this bailout goes bellyup. And make no mistake. This bailout is a ruse, a sham, another brought-to-you-by-Dubya escapade that will FAIL to achieve its stated purpose, and will only enrich the criminally negligent CEOs who've created this economic disaster in the first place. Who worries about Islamic terrorist when we've got the most corrupt, powerful scumbags in the world leading the nation?
But I digress. Of course, Congress will pass this enormous ripoff and many will grumble and snort about it, but most will hunker down and babble on about "our way of life" never for a moment understanding what "our way of life" means in the first place. How many congressional members know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck? How many congressional "leaders" have a clue what it means to pass on medical care because you cannot afford the huge bill that accompanies that care? I submit to you NONE of them knows what "our way of life" really is.
Have a nice day. :)



At 12/17/2008 2:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love him? Hate him? How do YOU feel about our soon to be former President? Take part in a chance to immortalize your views in book form by visiting and letting your opinion be read!

Check out the following article about

Cyber Send Off for Bush Sparks Hope for Movement for Democratic Voice in USA

When I entered the website I was struck by the comic depiction of George W. assumedly on his way back to Texas, “gettin’ outta Dodge.” I read the sample letters to Bush, which I heartily agreed with, sticking it to him but good and then I clicked over to the virtual store. While politically collectible and good for holiday gifting, there were only a few things, and reasonably priced. Nobody was out to make a killing here.

“What is it that motivated this website?” - I wondered out loud to my two kittens rolled up beside me as I sat propped against the bed board with my laptop in front of me.

I suppose I’ve become the product of the same system I have worked against for so many years as an activist and avowed socialist at that, expecting everything to be based in the profit motive.

And why shouldn’t I expect that? After all we just had eight years of a White House run almost exclusively for profit. And I don’t mean only for the profit of the big banks that run the economy. Bush and Cheney went over the top, enriching the very companies in which the cabal of cronies running the government had major shares and no one has cared enough to stop them. They did it in Iraq. They did it through sewing fear at home with the notion of the homeland security state. They even did it with Hurricane Katrina. Government has been downsized, even the Pentagon. The role of governing has been privatized with no-bid sub-contractors profiting the same guys running the country! Once again, so much for the oath to uphold the Constitution and safeguard the public trust.

So then, in today’s world, as perverse as it has become, why should not be selling me something? I made contact with the people running the site and found the unexpected.

The Georgia-native, Kate Wheeler and her daughter Ashley had had enough of being walked on by politicians and they figured that a lot of other people felt the same. Lifted by the recent rout of Republicans from the White House and Capitol Hill they were motivated to act.

“People need the chance to say what’s on their minds after putting up with what we have all gone through in this country. Bush stole the first election and the Democrats and the mainstream media let him. Things only went downhill from there,” Wheeler asserted.

“With our website we are letting people tell George W. what they really think about him and it’s about time. So far the response has been terrific but we want the message to be really loud, not just so that Bush hears it. We want all of Washington, Republicans and Democrats alike to know that the American People are expecting real change in this country. The George W. Goodbye Movement is going to grow into a movement making sure that that change takes place,” Wheeler said.

It was a nice surprise from the creator of Wheeler encourages everyone, even Bush supporters, to click on and write their fond farewells. Later the letters will be immortalized in a book, documenting public opinion of the George W. Bush presidency. More than anything this website looks to move people to act and participate in holding those that govern accountable for what they do. I know I’ll be clicking in and writing my letter over the weekend.


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