Sunday, January 26, 2003

The End.
3 Feb. 2003/Monday
Sean Hannity is such a narrow-minded parrot of the left-wing conservative viewpoint that I doubt he's had an original thought since he graduated grammar school.
Today I listened to his radio program and I noticed something interesting. He uses buzz words and cliche' phrases so often it's become transparently 'canned.'
"You liberals ..." and "Let me tell you why it' important to go to war with Iraq," and "Saddam is evil, and you bleeding-heart liberals just don't get it." He's so predictably one-sided it makes me laugh, to think that people actually call in on his phone segment and worship at the 'Hannity' alter - "Oh Sean, you're so fantastic!" Or, "Sean, I just want to thank you for tellig us the truth."
Hannity wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the ass. I really don't believe he'd know the truth if God opened the gates of heaven and flooded the world with its light.
Hannity is one of those so-called info-tainers who have a single-minded purpose: To promote the Republican agenda - particularly the right-wing Republican agenda. I think he's a bigot, a hypocrite and a liar, whether he knows it or not.
It's been widely reported that Bush's claims of "proof" that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction are based on sketchy reports from the CIA, FBI, and several other covert agencies that monitor and gather information around the world. None of these agencies (at least none of their intelligence operatives who've gone on record) have verified the administration's claims. For example, several reports have been published about the lack of evidence linking al-Qaida to Iraq. Only one piece of datum, an al-Qaida operative who was wounded during the Afghanistan battles, was hospitalized in Baghdad for a period of time. But whether he's working with Saddam or anyone within that corrupt administration has NOT BEEN DETERMINED with any certainty.
In fact, operatives high up in the FBI and CIA have reputiated the president's claims, saying that much of Bush's rhetoric is based on tenuous and "murky" intelligence reports. Yet, the administration seems to think that unsubstantiated information is a solid foundation for declaring war. Absurd! But there's Sean "the Blind Idiot" Hannity spouting off daily about how clear the argument for war with Iraq is, and anyone who questions Bush's determination is - in the Hannity bible - either stupid, (liberal), blind to the truth (liberal) or a traitor (liberal).
In fact, Hannity proves his assinine short-sightedness every day whenever he engages with a caller who challenges him with facts.
His last and only response is to rant about "you liberals just refuse to see the danger to the U.S." and then he pulls out his favorite mantra: "It seems that liberals like Susan Sarandon have forgotten 9-11 and the horror that was visited upon this nation." Well, Hannity, 9-11 had nothing to do with Iraq, so what logic are you applying by bringing the subject into your argument for attacking Iraq. There never has been ANY evidence that Iraq had anything to do with 9-11. If anything, our cozy 'friends' the Saudis ought to be put under the microscope since most of the hijackers were from that nation.
I don't know what kind of 'octane' Hannity puts in his coffee or whatever his drink of choice is, but whatever it may be, its definitely blurred the lines between reality and fantasy in his brain.
Sad, but luckily we do live in a nation where baboons like Hannity can make a living by brown-nosing the administration's lackeys and blowing smoke in the eyes of the American people - at least in the ears of those who regularly listen to his show.
Like Limbaugh, Hannity doesn't bother to do any fact-checking when it comes to making claims about political decisions, world events or national issues. He simply latches onto whatever the president is 'selling' today and repeats it over and over again, as though it were sanctified truth.
Sorry, Sean, you're good for a laugh, and a lesson in how not to learn about the world we live in. Your mind-set is a paradigm for knuckle-dragging, gun-totin,' robber barons and industrial despots.
But more power to ya, amigo. You've got a few million 'sheep' following your lead and that's something. I doubt if any of the callers who agree with you have ever taken the time to THINK about what you and your ilk are actually saying or what you mean.
But sanctioning murder (and war is evil, Sean - didn't you know that?) by suggesting we 'blow Saddam's brains out' puts you on the same level as the unholy cretin you'd like to see annihilated - at any cost.
I don't want to get off onto a rant here (as Dennis Miller would say) but Hannity, why don't you do the world a favor and go strap on your 'gat, catch a military flight to Baghdad and try to assassinate Saddam yourself?
War - even war in the name of righteousness - is a messy, bloody affair and lots of bad things happen when people war against one another.
I think there are times when war is an option, but only when we know why we're fighting.
Happy trails. Vaya con Dios.

2 Feb. 2003/Sunday
On the heels of the tragedy yesterday I began searching the Internet for Web sites with information about shuttle Columbia. I found several useful sites and passed those along to my colleagues at the newspaper so they could get a story posted on the Web site.
However, reflecting about our reasons for space travel - the potential for knowledge that could heal human diseases, further efforts to clean up the planet (or at least , monitor its health) and, ultimately, the knowledge that may allow humankind to leave the planet sometime in the distant future, should expansion to other planets become desirable - I came across NASA's Web site with views of the earth from space. These images so moved me that I felt I ought to put them here, on my BLOG, to share them with anyone who may not yet have come across this particular Web site. So, if you want to the see the planet from a unique perspective, check it out.
Looking at the earth from above

Now, of course, comes the days of news media coverage and probes into the disaster. Unfortunately, there will be the usual loonys who claim that the shuttle was shot down by a terrorist on a hilltop in California with a high-powered laser (non-existent), so speculation that NASA somehow blew it and because of sloppy precautions, Columbia was lost. The nonsense will, inevitably, flow like the Mississippi River, sad to say. But eventually the 'facts' will bring to light what actually happened.
The fact is, at NASA's JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) in Pasadena, hundreds and hundreds of people work 'round the clock to devlelop safety systems and improve efficiencies for space vehicles and every one of those people (at least the one's I met) feel an obligation to put their very best effort into every project they're assigned. And when I say their very best, I mean their total, absolute commitment to finding solutions that WORK time and time again. Verifiable results are what these people live and die by; and I have no doubt about the scientists and technicians who labor in the space industry - they are good people, albeit a bit strange for most of our sensibilities. But a good bunch. Human life is precious to these people. During a weeklong seminar at CalTech (also in Pasadena) I was privileged to meet with scientists who are working on questions that most people never even think to ask, but which are fundamental to human existence - without exaggeration.
So I wish them all the very best. And I send my condolences to the team that worked on Columbia's last mission. I know that all of them, from the the risk-management researchers to the propulsion engineers to the communications and telemetry crew, are, today, broken-hearted.
And I send them a prayer for new ideas, renewed commitment and the strength to achieve their dreams.
I have, in the past 24 hours, prayed more than once for the families who survive the astronauts' passing into that sun-bright light that must have been their portal to a new frontier, and I pray that those family members and loved ones can look to the stars tonight and smile, knowing that their spouses and children and aunts and uncles now reside among those vast, limitless diamonds twinkling in the dark.
All will be well. We will continue to send brave people into space and we will continue to learn more and more about the nature of this universe and the very fabric of 'God,' if such an insight can be borne by human minds.
It's Sunday and I'm ready for rest. I'm tired and aching from the previous week's pressures and demands.
And, of course, the tax man cometh (aaaarrrgh!).
Play 'em as they lay 'em, and keep one eye on the table.

The following is a snippet of the article:

“Cool War” by Joy Gordon of Harper’s Weekly:
"In searching for evidence of the potential danger posed by Iraq, the Bush Administration need have looked no further than the well-kept record of U.S. manipulation of the sanctions program since 1991. If any international act in the last decade is sure to generate enduring bitterness toward the United States, it is the epidemic suffering needlessly visited on Iraqis via U.S. fiat inside the United Nations Security Council. Within that body, the United States has consistently thwarted Iraq from satisfying its most basic humanitarian needs, using sanctions as nothing less than a deadly weapon, and, despite recent reforms, continuing to do so. Invoking security concerns -- including those not corroborated by U.N. weapons inspectors -- U.S. policymakers have effectively turned a program of international governance into a legitimized act of mass slaughter.

Since the U.N. adopted economic sanctions in 1945, in its charter, as a means of maintaining global order, it has used them fourteen times (twelve times since 1990). But only those sanctions imposed on Iraq have been comprehensive, meaning that virtually every aspect of the country’s imports and exports is controlled, which is particularly damaging to a country recovering from war. Since the program began, an estimated 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five have died as a result of the sanctions -- almost three times as many as the number of Japanese killed during the U.S. atomic bomb attacks.
News of such Iraqi fatalities has been well documented (by the United Nations, among others), though underreported by the media. What has remained invisible, however, is any documentation of how and by whom such a death toll has been justified for so long. How was the danger of goods entering Iraq assessed, and how was it weighed, if at all, against the mounting collateral damage? As an academic who studies the ethics of international relations, I was curious. It was easy to discover that for the last ten years a vast number of lengthy holds had been placed on billions of dollars’ worth of what seemed unobjectionable -- and very much needed -- imports to Iraq. But I soon learned that all U.N. records that could answer my questions were kept from public scrutiny. This is not to say that the U.N. is lacking in public documents related to the Iraq program. What is
unavailable are the documents that show how the U.S. policy agenda has determined the outcome of humanitarian and security judgments.
It is worth remembering that the worst destruction done on U.S. soil by foreign enemies was accomplished with little more than hatred, ingenuity, and box cutters. Perhaps what we should learn from our own reactions to September 11 is that the massive destruction of innocents is something that is unlikely to be either forgotten or forgiven. If this is so, then destroying Iraq, whether with sanctions or with bombs, is unlikely to bring the security we have gone to such lengths to preserve."

I think the point is valid and, certainly, not much publicized nor considered by lawmakers - let alone the general public. But sanctions against Iraq have been a miserable failure - unless, of course, the idea was to decimate the Iraqi people and their children - and so I wonder why Bushy-boy hasn't considered diplomacy in lieu of armed conflict? It seems to me that even Saddam would at least listen to a proposal to lift U.N. sanctions and allow at least a minimum of international trade, enough to provide life's essentials to the people of Iraq. Particularly as it relates to improving health care.
Saddam could come out looking like a compassionate saviour to his people and the U.S. could save billions of dollars and who-knows-how-many American lives by trying to negotiate with sanctions as the 'Ace' card? To my knowlege, no serious offer has ever been made to Iraqi leaders in this regard. Oh, I know that the U.N. sanctions have been characterized as the 'stick' that only Saddam can remove by cooperating with inspectors and, through them, the U.S. intention of disarming that nation of its presumed weapons of mass destruction (I've still seen no proof that such weapons exist in Iraq), but I've never heard of negotiations involving substantive proffers of eliminating the sanctions. And the Bush administration might earn a few points on both sides of the aisle - hawks and doves, liberals and conservatives. Who wouldn't want to avoid the war (except, of course, weapons manufacturers) if our demands (the U.S.'s) could be met?
At any rate, D just phoned and told me come over whenever - she's been sleeping most of the day (oddly enough, so have I) so we're both in the 'Twilight Zone' fugue state that comes with having crashed after long hours of wakefulness, followed by power naps interrupted by phone calls and roommates knocking on one's door.
It's been an emotionally draining week for me. I suspect a lot of people are feeling the effects of shock after yesterday's tragic episode.
I wonder if the truth of what happened will ever come out - or will we be stuck with speculation? As I watched the videos of the shuttle's last flight, I wondered if, for some inexplicable reason, the vehicle simply got sideways at some point and, given the tremendous forces that accompany earth-atmosphere reentry, it couldn't take the stress and ripped apart? It was, after all, the oldest shuttle in the fleet, as I'm sure you've heard at least 50 times by now. But I digress.
It's time for me to brush the chompers, splash the 'mask,' stroke the head-fuzz and head out the door.
I wish you well.
Live long and prosper.

1 Feb. 2003/Saturday
I'm listening to NPR this morning at 8:15 a.m. and I hear that contact with space shuttle Columbia has been lost. My first thought is "Oh my God, they've had another disaster."
Sure enough, about 8:40 a.m., the NPR announcer said that it appeared the shuttle had disintegrated upon reentry into the earth's atmosphere, and it came apart just 16 minutes before touchdown somewhere above North to Northeast Texas. I felt a chill run down my spine and my thoughts went immediately to the families and friends of those seven people who had simply vanished into the air. I thought, "Life is so precarious, so precious and so unpredictable." And then I simply said a quiet prayer, which I will not utter here.
Today the nation shares a sorrow, and that's something I cannot explain. Why should I, a complete stranger to any of the astronauts or their families, or the ground crew at NASA that I'm sure is suffering terribly? And yet I feel sadness. I feel a slumping, sinking feeling in my gut and I know I'm not alone.
I'm sure there will be recriminations, accusations, allegations and downright ugly attacks once personalities begin to surface and people begin to look for someone to blame. But today there is only pure sorrow. Perhaps that's the only reality that matters.
Right now, behind me, the television set is broadcasting a news forum - Q&A from journalists to NASA ground techs - and it's remarkable that these people, who've just suffered an awful loss - a personal loss - are able to calmly answer technical and emotional questions.
And the investigation begins.
Would that I could - I hope the children and spouses and family members of those lost today are surrounded with love and support, and I hope that they all have an inner strength to see them through the dark days ahead.
And so it goes.
Life is strange.
Life is.
I'm out.

It's Sunday and I've put myself in a 'fix,' so to speak. I told my girlfriend I'd help clean her house - specifically, sweep and mop the floors - and I really don't feel like it. It's my day off from work and I'm feeling lazy, lazy, lazy.
Ah well, c'est la vie, eh?
Nevertheless, it's a beautiful day here in Lubbock, Texas, REALLY, IT IS! Despite what you may have heard about Lubbock, which probably is all true, the fact is, there's a certain rugged beauty about this region. One has to 'look' to see it, but it is there, or rather, here.
I'm so tired; I'm tired of my job; I'm tired of my creditors, who all are wolves in sheeps' clothing; and I'm tired of the stupity of supposedly intelligent, educated people like physicians (this is primarily because of the doctors who've mismanaged my girlfriend's medical needs). But complaining sucks, so that's enough of that.
At times I will slip into a language of my own creation. And, at times, I will publish a few of the poems I've penned (typed) on this site. Jeez, exciting prospect, eh? But for me, it's an exercise in public expression of private insights just to see (or not) how it plays out in the 'marketplace of ideas.'
My friend, Mike (also a journalist), turned me on to Blogging. He seemed excited about the process so I thought, what the hell, give it a try. Please forgive this, my first entry (under this name) if I've bored you. It will get better. Promise.
Live long and prosper.
Well, I can see by looking at my Web page that putting links to other sites didn't work. I'm befuddled by this fact, but it's probably because I'm using the free version of Blogger and don't have the option to post links.???
I guess I'll study a bit more and, if I can figure it out and if it's possible to post links on the free Blogger site, I'll get it together.
Time to go sweep and mop some floors (aaarrgh!).
Straight ahead, as an old Mafia don once told me as we sunned ourselves on a deck attached to a house that stood in a valley in California. "Straight ahead."
I decided I'd just post the URL's and let all interested parties check them out as they please.
The following are a few of my favorite sites:

That last one is a Mad South Australian’s Home Page: Actually this bloke has lots of interesting stuff if you’ve got lots of time on your hands and nothing better to do than practice HTML Web page design, or view comics for amusement. Worth a look!
Have a memorable evening (go Raiders!)

27 Jan. 2003/Monday
No tabs ... hmmmm. Well, everything will be flush-left, I guess.
It's Monday, my day off (second day actually) and I'm fretting about telling my girlfriend that her oral surgery is scheduled and locked in for tomorrow at 11 a.m. I suspect she's going to go into a panic and lock herself in a closet (literally). Hard to explain but I'm talking about a woman who's had nine surgeries on her skull to repair the extensive damage done when she collided with a tree at 60 mph while skiing one day some 20 years ago.
Since she survived (barely) that event, the surgeons who worked on rebuilding her head from chin to the top of her head screwed up somewhere among the several surgeries and severed a nerve in her face. The result is, she lives in pain 24-7 and has trouble speaking for any length of time. She sounds perfectly normal at the beginning of a new day, but within 30 minutes of talking, her ability to form words clearly deteriorates rapidly and she begins to sound like a Swede, talking in broken English, half sentences and such, until she's unable to speak at all without intense pain shooting straight to her brain.
Strange, eh?
Well, for her it's been a living hell. And with the prospect of having an oral surgeon prop her mouth open for 30 minutes or more, she's frightened. The post-operative period for her will be excrutiating, if past experience with dental procedures is any indication. The reason is, when her jaw, which has been completely rebuilt of metal and screws, is stretched open more than a finger's-width for even a moment, it hurts. When she's had to hold her mouth open for five, 10 or more minutes in the past, it takes 10 days or more before the pain signals recede to the normal level of agony she lives with daily.
So, I have to be as circumspect, yet clear, as I can possibly be today when I tell her that the surgery is on. Sometimes I wonder about the truth of a 'loving, caring God.' Though I'm sure most people have moments when they wonder if all the dogma and religious teachings (whatever the religion) they've been exposed to are nothing more than fairy tales, I have spent much time searching my heart and questioning the concept of God, or if you prefer, god.
I don't know if God (god) exist, but I do know that something exists beyond this human awareness we call 'living.' But as to God's (god's) awareness of EACH living or sentient being, I'm not so sure. Hard to believe that there's a being that 'sees' inside every human being's mind and 'knows' every thought, word or action one produces. My best guess comes to this: whatever God is, I am not capable of understanding It's vision or point of view, let alone It's code of ethics or moral fiber - if, in fact, God has that concept incorporated in His? Her? It's? conscious being.
Nevertheless, yea, I pray to 'God,' especially at times when someone I love is suffering (including me, of course). And so, today I prayed that my girlfriend is blessed with comfort, strength and fortitude so that she might get through tomorrow and the following days with as little pain as is possible. And I prayed that she survives the surgery, since it's entirely possible that something could go awry and she could die. An anesthesiologist is going to put her under for the procedure. She wouldn't be able to cope with it otherwise. And anytime anesthesia is used there's an element of danger, albeit, in most cases, a slight danger. But for my friend, the danger is heightened by the fact that she's already using strong pain medications, thereby raising the risk of complication.
Given all this, I believe everything will turn out OK. And the fact is, she MUST have these teeth extracted. There's simply too many possible nasty outcomes on the horizon if she tries to avoid the surgery (infection being just one).
And so it goes.
I'm going to kick back for a while and then call her and ask if she'd like to go see a flick. "About Schmidt" looks interesting to me. And I know that she's curious about "The Hours," despite my friend Mike's disdain for the movie. Actually, I agree with him about "The Two Towers" being worthy of Oscar consideration based on its entertainment value. Mike's opinion states that movies like "The Hours" are simply ego-centric forays into 'high' literature and should be left in book form. Film is, after all, a mindless venture requiring little effort on the part of the viewer. So why try to present complex plots powered by bland protagonists (read: no action) when one can find THAT sort of thing in books. When plunking down $7.50 or more for a film, one should expect to be dazzled by special effects and fast-paced action. After all, film is simply a play of lights on a screen, right? Books are where provocative, thought-provoking concepts and human idiosyncrasies belong. Right?
Well, for the most part I agree with Mike. However, I do believe there have been some excellent films that both entertain and inform the human condition ("Schindler's List, for one) at the same time. But to ignore the spectacle of "The Two Towers" in lieu of the solemnity of "The Hours" is perfidy against the movie industry! So there.
But we'll probably go see "The Hours."
And to end this installment, what a drag that the Raiders lost to the Buccaneers! Booooo! BooHoo. And so another Super Bowl slips into history's pages and a lot of bookies go broke (most, however, probably made a killing).
Have a miraculous day!

28 Jan. 2003/Tuesday : 10:04 a.m.
Yawn** I'm running around like a madman without his Thorazine this a.m. because my girlfriend finally got into the hospital to have oral surgery.
She's so frightened that I felt a flood of compassion wash over me, but her teeth need extracting and the past few weeks have been agony for her and everyone who loves her. Her mother has reached the end of her tether and nearly blew her top this morning because D was shaky and nervous and yelling a lot about being "pressured."
And so it goes.
I've got to work this afternoon (copy editing) so my day is pretty much lined out: go to cable company and pay bill to have service turned back on; go to bank and make deposit to cover college loan payment; make college loan payment; go to hospital to visit D and see how she's doing (and check on momma D to see if she's holding together).
My life is a series of Greek tragedies interlaced with slapstick humor and comic pratfalls, none of which, I believe, most people would see as funny. But my senses are so skewed and my brain is slightly stewed from past indiscretions with America's favorite drug - alcohol!
No more of that, however. It's just the dregs left behind that trouble me today.
And now it's time to run. Just wanted to post something on the site in case anyone is following this soap opera.
Greetings from sandstorm central. If you've ever read "Dune" when you imagine my locale, just think of the the sandstorms on Arakis (sp?).
My, my. What a wonderful world.

A fun site to swim through

Time for work. I feel lousy because D is having surgery as I write this and at a hospital that I'd rather she wasn't in. The place is a dump, but it's the only hospital in town where her pain specialist had admitting privileges, and the oral surgeon refused to perform the surgery unless her pain specialist was persent.
Sometimes life is complicated, messy affair!
And so I go forward, out to the street and down the road past the college campus and into the parking lot at the newspaper, where I'll spend the next six to eight hours editing copy, photos and cutlines, and worrying about D.
I can only hope that all goes with her. It's out of my hands.

29 Jan. 2003/Wednesday
I took today off (and tomorrow) to be with my baby while she recuperates from oral surgery. Yes, after three misstarts she finally had her teeth pulled and it came off as smoothly as could be hoped.
I'm digesting a croissant pocket microwave ham 'n cheese conglomeration as I sit here, and I can feel the heartburn rising (urp).
Hi Mike. Hope you visit.
For those of you who don't know, Mike is my BLOG guru (though I'm sure he thinks I'm nutz for even suggesting such a thing). But it's true. I can always depend on Mike to e-mail a tidbit that will help me improve the look of my BLOG - even at this early stage.
So what did America think of George Bush's 'State of the Union' speech last night? Hello? Anyone there? Oh well. I thought he said a lot of words that amounted to nothing much. Same old same old. Cut taxes (for the rich), let's go kill some Iraqis (with prejudice), and hey, let's not forget those school kiddies - but don't ask the federal government for any funding - what, are you loopy or what? Bush is no where near the spin doctor Clinton was and never will be. His whole persona is a kind of "Gosh, I know I'm rich and come from a wealthy family and never really had to worry about struggling through life - and hey, I know my dad is an ex-president and helped me avoid combat by making sure I got that cushy gig in the National Guard (no offense intended to the National Guard, truly) - but hey, I'm just a regular guy. Listen to my Texas drawl. Ain't it purty? I'm polishing it up real gud to give me a man-of-the-people kind of sound when I read these words some folks in the basement of the White House typed up for me.
Sorry for all you Bushies. I'm certainly not a fan, though I do respect the office. So I'll simply say - his speech was specious at best.
We will, I'm afraid, be at war in Iraq come my birthday (Feb. 28) I predict. And that's a drag to contemplate.
Oops. Time's up. I've got to go check on my sweetie and make sure all is well.
My the gods of your god make your life worthwhile. And may we all enjoy a little sanity from time to time. It might be a unique experience for some of us.
See ya Mike.

In case you need some time

The Modern World

Angry, frustrated, hostile and crazy,
what happened to nobility?
Broken, hurting, yearning, alone,
where is love's flowering tree?
Hassled, rushed, anxious and scared.
How did we end up here?
Pressured, stressed, tense and insane.
I remember a starlight so clear, that it pierced my
eye and filled me with wonder.
How did we end up here?

30 Jan. 2003/Thursday - 4:46 p.m.
I'm late already getting back to D's so I'll just make this short and sweet.
Bush 43 did not convince me of anything during his State of Union speech last night (was it last night ... no, Tuesday night).
I've yet to see ANY evidence of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Hell, I haven't seen evidence that Iraq could field a competent army let alone pose a threat of any magnitude to the United States. So why not let the U.N. inspectors continue a while longer? What's the rush? What is the underlying motivation of the administration to push so hard for war against Saddam Hussein? I still don't know. I'm tired of hearing about "smoking guns that, once smoking, are too late" to deal with - what smoking gun? Suspicion, conjecture, allegations and innuendo. That's all I've heard and none of it convinces me that we should put American lives at risk. If the administration has real, solid evidence then please, let it be known. There must be some way to inform the pubic without exposing agents or putting insiders at risk.
Anyway, that's all I've got to say about it for now.
Have a great day.
31 Jan. 2003/Friday
Back to work I go! Oh boy!
Well, my dear friend D is mending, albeit uncomfortably, and I've spent the past two days trying to be helpful - running errands, preparing a meal or two, and reminding her to be gentle with her gums.
And now, there're so many good flicks out and I've no time to see a single one of them. There's "Chicago," "The Hours," "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind," etcetera. Bummer!
Well, I've got to change and head out for work. We've got a newspaper to get out, and Friday nights are usually a bulky task.
Look out your window; take a walk in the woods; climb a mountain or simply read a good book.
Life goes on. Oh yea.